I was just recently asked the question, “What do you mean by a fundamentalist?” I was explaining the type of church we have, and said we are an Independent, Fundamentalist, Bible Believing Church. Apparently the term “fundamentalist” does not sit well with some people. At least that is the what I felt by the question.
As briefly as possible, here is how I would describe what a Fundamentalist is:
1. Christ Alone!
2. Grace Alone!
3. Faith Alone!
4. The Bible Alone!
These 4 items collectively describe what a Fundamentalist Christian should be about, as opposed to those who would add something to each thing.
It is through CHRIST ALONE that we can have salvation. There is nothing else that can satisfy God’s judgement except for the substitutionary death of Jesus on the Cross. He died so that all who believe can have eternal life.
GRACE ALONE can bring us to God. It is the unmerited favour He grants us based once again on Christ Jesus, and His death, burial and resurrection. There is no other hope!
We must have FAITH ALONE as well. Every person is given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). Faith is basically what we put our trust in. It’s not how much faith we have, but where we place our faith. We tend to have faith in many things, but in reality, the object of our person should be the Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He alone can satisfy our need.
The BIBLE ALONE can give the answer/s to all of our questions. If we step out of the confines of the written Word of God, we set ourselves up for trouble. The Bible is complete, and is inspired by God to make the man of God complete in Him. If we look to outside sources, or even internal sources, we are allowing Satan to deceive us.
These four things; CHRIST ALONE, GRACE ALONE, FAITH ALONE, and the BIBLE ALONE are actually united in one. If we stick to these four basic principles, we will not stray.