Remember those who lost their lives for the Freedom we enjoy today. The poppy reminds us of the torn up battle fields which caused them to spring to life. May we remember the torn up battlefield of life, which Jesus overcame through His death, burial and glorious resurrection.
My, My My x3
It’s often easy to see how a person can get caught up in performance based religion. Simply put, people tend to look at a single verse, without context, and build their doctrine based on the incomplete knowledge they have been…
The Absence of Joy
Joy is a person. His name is Jesus! Is it me? Or, are there not more, and more Christians who have lost their joy? How can this be? Has the church failed in communicating the absolute sufficiency of the Cross-work…
The Obedience of Jonah – Jonah 2 – 6/26/2022
Just My Imagination?
Sadly, many still do not look to the written record of the Old Testament regarding the ever-backsliding nation. If you were to search for the term “church imagination” in your favorite search engine, you’ll be aghast at what you find. …
Jonah: From Self-Righteous to Humble – Jonah 2 – 6/19/2022
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Jonah: The Perils of Self-Righteousness – Jonah 1:1-17 – 6/12/2022