Memorial Day 2012

memorial Day 2012In the course of history there comes a time put most things aside, and focus on what is most important.  In some of the most crucial times of our lives, as Americans, citizens of our communities, and as family members, there comes a time when we really do need to get back to the basics, back to the fundamental truths.

Jesus Christ died at the Cross of Calvary some 2,000 years ago.  He attained freedom from sin for as many as would believe.  This offer stands true even today.  God provided the ultimate in freedom and liberty through His Son.  He provided for us a way where there was no way, for human effort and religious piety can never satisfy God’s justice and judgment.

Christ died to free us!  On Memorial Day we have a solemn remembrance of those patriots, men and women, who paid the price of their lives in order to protect the freedom and liberty which God provided through the Cross.

We need to look back to those who went before us in order to really know what is going on.  Otherwise, we are doomed to repeat the history of how other great nations have succumbed to tyranny and despotism.

Many of the grave stones in our cemeteries, where our brave men and women lie, have had the epitaphs and identification obliterated through many years of weather and the elements.  Yet, the very memories of those who gave their lives for our Republic, Commonwealth, Town and Families, live on.

We are forever grateful for your sacrifice!


Updated: May 28, 2012 — 10:36 pm