Edifying Links

The following links are provided for your edification and instruction.  Please note: Because of the nature of these things, the inclusion of a link does not necessarily mean we agree with every issue.


Today in Bible Prophecy – August Rosado is the founder and Evangelist of Today In Bible Prophecy Ministries located in Lincoln Rhode Island. He founded the ministry in 2003 after being in the Pastorate from 1999 to 2003. TBPM exist to teach the fundamentals of Bible prophecy, teaching the prophetic Scriptures for their plain sense interpretation.


In Defense of the Gospel – A site originally devoted to a discussion of the Lordship Salvation interpretation of the Gospel.
Discerning the Drift – Discerning the Drift Teaching ministry’s mission is to educate those within the Christian church who have ears to hear with the understanding that biblical discernment is a pro-active learned behavior during a believer’s life long sanctification.

The Alliance For Biblical Integrity – The Alliance for Biblical Integrity seeks to equip believers to be faithful to the Lord and His Word by teaching and promoting a biblical hermeneutic and worldview, while exposing and responding to unbiblical theology, practices, trends and movements.

The Truth In Love Project – Shahram Hadian is the founder of the TIL (Truth in Love) Project Ministry, and travels around America and Canada addressing critical issues facing us as believers and as Americans, including the threat of Islam and oppressive Shari’ah law, the need for courageous leadership in the pulpit and in our churches, and standing with the nation of Israel…
Spirit of Error – …examines the apostolic-prophetic movement (also known as the “New Apostolic Reformation“) — a fast-growing movement within charismatic and Pentecostal churches that promotes modern-day apostles and prophets with great authority, supernatural powers, and the ability to give new doctrinal revelation
Way of Life Literature
 – a 40-year-old Fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry founded by David Cloud. The goal of is to stand for the truth of God’s Word without compromise and to produce well-documented materials to strengthen New Testament churches in these apostate days.
Personal Freedom Outreach
– provides Christians with material to help them know why they believe what they believe.
Guarding His Flock Ministries – Pastor Larry Debruyn – Be on guard from attacks on the Church.
Psalm 12 Outreach
Life Assurance Ministries
for former Seventh-day Adventists, inquiring Adventists, Sabbatarians, and concerned Christians.
Arabic Bible Outreach
Fundamental Evangelistic Association
Lighthouse Trails Research Project –  We are dedicated to bringing clarity and light to matters affecting our society and the church today and to preserving the integrity of the Gospel.

Psycho Heresy Awareness Ministries
Berean Beacon
Let Us Reason
The Berean Call
Worldview Weekend
Saints Alive – Ministry of former Mormon, Ed Decker.


Grace Bible Church, Fresno, California  
Middletown Bible Church, Middletown, Connecticut
Southern View Chapel – Springfield, Illinois
Pleroma Bible Church – Tullahoma, Tennessee

Teaching Ministries

Randy White Ministries –  Pastor Randy White

Beyond the Fundamentals –  Pastor Kevin Thompson
Bible Framework –  Pastor Charles Clough – Apply biblical concepts to every area of their lives.
Merryman Ministries – dedicated to the publication of Biblical materials written from a dispensational and doctrinal viewpoint that perceives salvation as totally by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

Helpful Church Resources

Fundamental Evangelistic Association  
Local Church Bible Publishers
Dispensational Publishing House


Grace Dental and Medical Missions 
Hope For France – The Bixby Family
Goodseed.com – an equipping ministry, providing tools and training too share the gospel as a lifelong lifestyle using the “Creation to the Cross” approach
Arabic Bible Outreach

For Women Only

Equipping Eve – Ladies Ministry of Erin Benziger
With The Master – Susan Heck’s Weekly Bible Studies

Radio / Audio / Video

Sermon Audio
 – Christian radio for central New England
Fundamental Broadcasting Network
WMUU – Radio Ministry of Bob Jones University

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